Tips for booking last-minute flights

Getting last minute flights are not advisable since airfare costs go up as the flight date gets nearer. Usually, flights that are booked in the last minute are the most expensive. These flights are also what people refer to as “fillers”, which means the seat that one might get is not as comfortable or convenient in location. However, there are emergencies that come up and people have no choice but to book last minute flights. In that case, here are some tips to help travelers pushed for time to still get the best seats and prices for last minute bookings.

What are good websites to find last-minute tickets?

If possible, travelers must browse for travel sites online to check on last minute deals. There are a couple of websites that offer cheaper alternatives for airfare costs when compared to land-based agencies that do the booking for their customers. By scouring different websites, prospective customers can check out deals that pop up ever so often and some of these are very cheap. A bit of time must be spent for getting these special deals but at least it allows travelers to fly to their destination at a fraction of the normal price.

  1. Hopper
  2. Airfare Watchdog
  3. OneTravel
  4. CheapOair
  5. Cheapair
  6. FlightHub
  9. TraveloCity
  10. Google Flights

When flights seem to be more expensive than normal and there are no last minute flights up for promos, customers can check out different package deals where airfare is already included. So travelers wouldn’t have to worry about hotels and food as these things are already included in the package itself. A lot of airfare and lodging pairings come in great abundance and discounted prices, so searching the net for budget packages might do the trick. The amazing part about this is the range of combinations available for travelers who book their travel deals online.

Pro tip: be flexible!

Another tip for snagging affordable flights is to be flexible when it comes to your time of travel. Many flights are fully-booked for morning and afternoon flights, so the chances that these flights are still available are low. Try booking for early morning, midnight, and late night flights for these offer the best seats at (usually) cheaper prices. Being flexible in terms of time will certainly help you save money.

Auction websites and group buying sites

Another popular source for cheap deals include auction sites online and group buying sites. These websites are usually looking for passengers to complete the seat plan so they are offering airfare at cheap prices to minimize costs and complete head count. For passengers who are not lucky in finding good deals, the last resort is to find an airline representative who may be kind enough to give secret deals. Sometimes, flight offers can be availed of by passengers who ask about such deals which can result in discounts and savings. The general rule here is to ask around and maybe there are available flights for less costs.

Travelers are advised to invest time in surfing websites that offer the best deals around since getting cheap last minute airfare is possible as long as passengers know where to look.

Last-minute preparations before your flight

So everything is set for your dream vacation? You have chosen a place to go and have bought your airline tickets. Likewise, you have packed your things. Now all that needs to be done is wait for your departure. But hold on. There are still some last minute checks that you need to do before going. I am sure that you would not want to experience delays just because you were not able to ensure that everything is really in order.

A day or two before your flight, always reconfirm your ticket to make sure that there are no changes in your schedule. Access the airline company’s website using your confirmation code. If there are any changes in the flight such as cancellations or delays, it will surely be there in the website.

Passport & ID’s
Your passport is the most important document that you will bring along on your travel. Depending on your destination, the passport laws may vary so to avoid any inconveniences, your passport will come in handy. Aside from your passport, you would be required to present government-issued ID’s for proper identification. It is recommended to have it photocopied in case you lose your passport during your trip.

Money & Currency
Spending for souvenirs, dining, or enjoyment is part and parcel of traveling. Although you can exchange foreign to local currency, it is best to do it before your departure for your own security. You may also want to consider using other sources of funds such a travelers checks, credit cards, and cash. For your own safety, using money belts is the best way to keep your cash.

Accidents do happen. As much as we want to avoid unforeseen circumstances to happen, we cannot control these forces. That is why it pays to have some kind of protection from your insurance provider. Depending on your travel insurance, you might be entitled to some overseas medical coverage or personal property and transportation coverage.

Medical Considerations
Again, depending on your destination, you may need to undergo some medical procedures such as immunizations. The embassy of the country where you are going may require presentation of proof of immunization or medical certificate.

Check with the airline company about baggage weight requirements as well as how many bags you can carry for the trip. Travel light when necessary but make sure you have all the basic necessities with you. Now you’re ready to go. Follow these trips and ensure yourself a worthwhile trip to your chosen destination. So have fun and enjoy your trip.